


[Weekly Report] What Lyle did and thought this week - week 2

This Week Details#

Time Span: 2023-08-28 ~ 2023-09-04
Expenses: To be calculated

Key Focus#


The main focus of work this week is to launch a platform, fix issues, and optimize another project. It's quite boring, to be honest.

However, I visited a new work area on Thursday and it felt good. Looking forward to moving to the new work area.

Social Media Influence#

This week, social media influence is in full swing and is expected to continue next week.


I started reading "Postwar European History" by Jute this week and I feel like I can get into it.

    Yale's early medieval course, which enhances understanding of historical continuity and fills the gap in theological knowledge.
    Watched two episodes this week.
  • Professor Snyder's "Reconstruction of Nations: Poland/Ukraine/Lithuania/Belarus (1569-1999)"
    Reviewing Eastern European national history, realizing that my previous impressions of Western history mostly focused on Western Europe/North America, while Eastern Europe also played a very important role, even being the center of the West for a long time... Need to fill in this gap.
  • Prigogine's "The End of Certainty: Time, Chaos, and the New Laws of Nature"
    It's been a while since I read a physics-related book, and a recent discussion on determinism has confused me again... Need to catch up.

New Projects#

No progress.


Weight fluctuated between 75.9 ~ 76.2kg, gained weight...

Blood pressure is normal.


This weekend, I got addicted to "Auburnheimer"...

Random Thoughts#

First weekly report~

Second weekly report, I forgot to write it yesterday and only remembered today, and even the writing is perfunctory...

Went back to Hangzhou over the weekend, watched movies and stuff.

Seems like there's nothing else to say, so that's it for now. See you next week~


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